I know it has been quite some time since I last logged in here and blogged, but have no fear-I am back! Currently I am visiting family in a small Missouri town named Hannibal-sound familiar? It should if you are familiar with Mark Twain and the tales of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. But that is beside the point, I am here to talk about photography. I took this photograph in my grandparents backyard two days ago. Along with a flash, I used a shutter speed of 1/200 and an f-stop of 7.1 to capture this shot. Honestly, I was thrilled with the result. I had no idea I would be able to time it perfectly enough to capture one bird spreading its wings, let alone TWO at the same time. I took a few more, trying to imitate this one, but none really compared. As much as I would love to take full credit for this shot, I would have to say it was also a bit of luck...but at the same time, luck can't sign its name at the bottom corner, so maybe I will go ahead and take the credit. ;) If you want a shot like this, the best advice I can give is get close, have patience, and use a fast shutter speed.