In previous posts, I have talked about both photoshop and time exposures individually. What would happen if we combined the two? This photograph is an example of an answer to this question.

The uniqueness of this photograph has brought up many questions. Let's start with how I was able to keep the shoes in focus while still ending up with the time exposure in the background. Unlike popular belief I did not photoshop two separate photos together. That may have been the easier option, but finding a way to capture the shot I envisioned at once rather than piecing it together was a greater challenge, making it more enjoyable. What I did, as I have explained in the previous post on time exposure, was first pop the flash. After this, I kept the shutter open for another 15 seconds. As I played with different shutter speeds and f-stops, this process took about 10-15 tries to get the shot I wanted. In the end, I was very pleased with the outcome, but rather than leave it be I decided to use a little photoshop and see what would happen if I made just the feet black and white and came up with this! I was thrilled with the different dimensions of the photograph. Just as we have moved from black and white photography to color we have moved from travel by foot to travel by planes, trains and automobiles. Color photography is amazing and beautiful, but there is something about black and white that really brings depth into the picture. Cars are also a brilliant technology that many of us could not even dream of living without. Still, it is sometimes easy to forget the joy of travel by foot, of moving at a slower pace, and of being able to stop and pause at one's own leisure as opposed to by the choice of the traffic signals that now, to some extent, have taken control of our lives.
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